Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sweet and Salty

Both Johnny and I grew up in a home with fantastic cooks.
My mom was always encouraging us to try new and exciting creations and Johnny's mom is an incredible baker.
So as you might imagine, these women left big shoes to fill.
Luckily we are both passionate about cooking and eating so it works out just fine. 
Click Here to see one of my favorite cooking blogs--and the recipe for the absolute best chocolate chip cookies I have ever made or tasted, I know you hear that often, but these are definitely it for us.
Let us know what you think.
And here is how yummy they look...

Our 3 favorite things about this recipe:
1. They are made with sea salt so you get the salty sweet contrast.
2. We used the "jumbo" sized chocolate chips which made these cookies even yummier.
3. If cooked a little bit under the suggested time, they are chewy and  keep for days.

Bake away,


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